Հատոր 53, (2001) (Հատուկ համար)

  Editor-in chief.
Հատոր 53, (2001)

Afrikian, Evrik   Preface.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 3

Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 5-8

Larsen, Kim Lambertsen Large cyclodextrins.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 9-26

Motohama, Satoru, Ishii, Eiji, Endo, Tomohiro , Nagase, Hiromasa, Ueda, Haruhisa, Takaha, Takeshi, Okada, Shigetaka Physicochemical properties of large-ring cyclodextrins (CD10-CD17) [1].
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 27-33

Abelyan, Varuzhan H. On the action patterns of cyclopextrin glucanotransferases.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 34-47

Lee, Yong-Hyun Cyclodextrin glucanotransferase and industrial processes for production of cyclodextrin.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 48-57

Buschmann, H. J, Schollmeyer, E, Mutihac, L. Cyclodextrins and polymers towards applications.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 58-64

Hishiya, Takayuki., Akiyama, Tomohiro, Asanuma, Hiroyuki, Komiyama, Makoto Molecular imprinting of cyclodextrin in homogeneous solutions.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 65-69

Mellet, Carmen Ortiz, Defaye, Jacques, Garcia Fernández, José M. Cyclodextrin neoglycoconjugates.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 70-81

Hattori, Kenjiro Synthesis of sugar-branched cyclodextrins and their dual association with proteins and drugs observed by SPR assay.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 82-94

Auzély-Velty, Rachel. Dalbiez, Jean-Pierre, Moutard, Stéphane, Perly, Bruno, Djedaïni-Pilard, Florence Novel amphiphilic cyclodextrins: synthesis, characterization and properties.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 95-104

D`Souza, V. T. D. Artificial redox enzymes.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 105-116

Breslow, Ronald Cyclodextrin derivatives as mimics of enzymes and antibodies.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 117-120

Trotta, Francesco, Manferti, Cristina Cyclodextrins in inverse phase transfer catalysis.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 121-124

Duchêne, Dominique, Ponchel, Gilles, Wouessidjewe, Denis, Bochot, Amélie Cyclodextrins in pharmaceutical nanoparticles.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 125-135

Parrilla, E. A., Cabrer, P. R., Meijide, F., Tato, Vázquez J. Complexation of ditopic guests by cyclodextrins and derivatives.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 136-147

Caira, Mino R., Bourne, Susan A., Mvula, Eino N. Cyclodextrin inclusion complexes of the antihyperlipidemic drug clofibric acid.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 148-158

Ginés, J. M., Moyano, J. R., Arias, M. J., Pérez-Martinez, J. I., Rabasco, A. M., Mura, P. Interaction of ibuproxam with γ-cyclodextrin in solution and in solid state.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 159-167

Nakanishi, Kunio, Nishi, Masatoshi,Marukawa, Tohru, Nadai, Tanekazu The enhanced D-glucose uptake in brush border membrane vesicles by 2,6-di-O-methyl-β-cyclodextrin.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 168-175

Marzocchi, L., Moyano, J. R., Rossi, A., Muñoz, P., Arias, M. J., Giordano, F. Current status of ATP-ase proton pump inhibitor complexation with cyclodextrins.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 176-193

Khomutov, S. M., Sukhodol’skaya, G. V., Donova, M. V. Cyclodextrin stabilisation of steroid against microbial degradation.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 194-199

Feliciano, Caleb E., Garcia, Marieliz, Rivera, Helena, Pedrogo, Yasmin, Quiñones, Edwin A kenetic approach for the determination of host-guest binding constants.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 200-206

Meijide, Francisco, Pérez, José, Cabrer, Pedro Ramos, Seijas, Julio, Ulloa, Haydée, Fraga, Francisco, Tato, José Vázquez Thermodynamic interactions of model allelopathic compounds (polyphenols)with α-and β-cyclodextrin.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 207-217

Steffan, S., Bardi, L., Marzona, M. Biodegradation of hydrocarbons in polluted soils using β-cyclodextrin as a coadiuvant.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 218-225

Yoshii, Hidefumi, Kugimoto, Yuuki, Furuta, Takeshi, Nakayasu, Sinichiro, Shimizu, Jjunji, Arai, Teruaki, Linko, Pekka Innovative approach for removal and biodegradation of contaminated compounds in soil by cyclodextins.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ226-236

Oros, Gyula Decomposition of native cyclodextrins and cyclodextrin derivatives by variousTrichoderma species.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 237-244

Avakian, Z. G., Khachaturyan, A. A., Davidyan, T. S., Adamyan, M. O. Cyclodextrins producting activity of different species of aerobic sporeforming bacteria.
Հատոր 53, (2001) էջ 245-249